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  1. paqart

    are you still using Zeiss classic ZF/ZE lenses?

    I still have my Zeiss lenses but I don't use them for serious photography.
  2. paqart

    Just for the medium format person

    I do, if for no other reason than superior image quality. I may not be the greatest photographer in the world (hopefully, "good enough") but my camera, a Phase One XF witha P1 IQ3-100 MB back and Schneider lenses is as good as it gets. I used to shoot basketball games in the Netherlands for the...
  3. paqart

    are you still using Zeiss classic ZF/ZE lenses?

    I still have my ZF lenses but switched to Phase One in 2015. Since then, I've been using Schneider lenses because nothing else works on the camera. For a short period in between, I used a Leica lens (25mm) on a Sony A7R.